
To ensure our website works correctly, we may at times place a small piece of data known as a cookie on your computer or mobile device. A cookie is a text file stored by a web server on a computer or mobile device. The content of a cookie can be retrieved or read only by the server that creates the cookie. The text in a cookie often consists of identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters. Cookies are unique to the browsers or mobile applications you use, and enable websites to store data such as your preferences or items in your shopping cart.


Like many other websites or Internet service providers, TENGEN uses cookies to improve user experience. Session cookies are deleted after each visit, while persistent cookies remain in place across multiple visits. Cookies allow websites to remember your settings such as language, font size on your computer or mobile device, or other browser preferences. This means that a user does not need to reset preferences for every visit. On the contrary, if cookies are not used, websites will treat you as a new visitor every time you load a web page. For example, if you are redirected to another web page from a website you are already logged in to and then return to the original website, it will not recognize you and you must log in again.


TENGEN will not use cookies for any purposes not stated in this policy. For further details on our use of cookies, please see our Cookies Policy. You can manage or delete cookies based on your own preferences. For details, visit You can clear all the cookies stored on your computer, and most web browsers provide the option of blocking cookies. However, by doing so, you have to change the user settings every time you visit our website.


In addition to cookies, we may also use other similar technologies on our websites such as web beacons and pixel tags. For example, when you receive an email from TENGEN, it may contain a click-through URL that links to a TENGEN web page. If you click the link, TENGEN will track your visit to help us learn about your preferences for products and services and improve our customer service. A web beacon is a transparent graphic image embedded in a website or in an email. We use pixel tags in emails to find out whether an email has been opened. You can unsubscribe from the TENGEN mailing list at any time if you do not want to be tracked in this manner.

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